Haoma         page id: 10


Author: E.C. Danuel D. Quaintance

HAOMA, Kanga Dictionary
Haoma entry from 1907 Kanga Dictionary, pg. 563


The word (Haoma) is an Avestan word. Avestan is the original language from which the sacred text, the Avesta, of Zoroastrianism is derived.

Scholars still debate the origin of the Avestan Language. Many considering it to be of Indo-Iranian origin, while others, including this researcher, believe the Avestan language to be of Sino-Tibetan origin.

Haoma and the monosyllabic Sanskrit words "So Ma" are believed to refer of the same plant. Haoma possesses near identical properties in the Avesta as Soma does in the Rig Veda. The Rig Veda are sacred text of the Hindu religion.

Most Religious scholars also consider Haoma parallel with the Tree of Life, which is described in several places throughout the sacred text of the Christian religion; the Holy Bible.

The word Haoma, in the glossary of the Avestan language (cache) at Avesta.org, is described as: "name of a plant with medicinal and spiritual properties"; "name of the yazad (cache) presiding over the haoma plant". (Var: Phl. 'hom').

The plant is used in making the "Nutritious HAOMA Sacrament." This is confirmed in the Sacred Text of the Avesta: "As it is the best for drinking, so (through its sacred stimulus) is it the most nutritious for the soul."(Avesta Yasna 9:16) And this is also shown to be parallel to the Christian bible "and men could eat inexhaustible food". (Provide reference)

There are two Haoma(s): one is the yellow or golden Haoma, which is the earthly Haoma that when prepared for the sacrifice, is the king of healing plants; the other is the white Haoma or Gaokerena,which some believe is the mythical or spiritual part of the plant. It may be of interest that the female plants produce the seed and bear white flowers, while the male plants bear yellow flowers.

Close up of seedy bud
detail of seedy hemp bud from which Haoma could be made by pulverizing with water then straining.

In ancient times the seed bearing tops of the Haoma (Hemp) plant were collected by women and tied into bundles known as Baresma. These bundles would then be dried in a ritual fashion of exacting precision so they would be perfectly dried without the seed being cooked. When this ritual was performed properly the Baresma could be stored as an herbal food source to last through-out the winter months and until the next years harvest.




The Marijuana Hymn a transliteration of the Hom Yasht, Avesta:Yasna 9-11 dedicated to Haoma is most identifying of Haoma blessings and features.


Iranic.com Botony of Haoma (cache)

General Educational

Haoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (cache) hempology.org : THE STUDY OF HEMP (cache) Indian Hempdrugs Commission Report

Linquistic connections

Haoma's many other names

Nutritional and Medicinal benefits from the Hemp Nut

The HempNut Story (cache) "It tastes like pine nuts and looks like sesame seed. HempNut can be used in literally any recipe, it's that versatile. Plus it contains about 40% more nutrition than whole hempseed. In fact, it's one of the most nutritious plant foods available, with 36% Essential Fatty Acids (the "good" fat), and 31% high-quality protein (second only to soybean), and very high in vitamins!"

HempNut Nutrition (cache) "HempNut brand shelled hempseed is a great source of the essential fatty acids Omega-3 Linolenic Acid and Omega-6 Linoleic Acid, as well as the hard-to-get Gamma-Linoleic Acid. While most foods have little if any, HempNut is over 36% Essential Fatty Acids, and in nature's perfect balance of 1-to-3 omega-3:omega-6 (according to Dr. Udo Erasmus). It contains 31% complete and highly-digestible protein, 1/3 as edestin protein and 2/3 as albumin protein. This protein profile is second only to raw uncooked soybeans (35% vs. 31%), and the amino acid profile is superior to soybean, human milk, and cow's milk, and similar to egg whites. Excellent protein efficiency makes HempNut ideal for medical foods and other special diets. We have yet to hear of an allergic reaction to shelled hempseed, and it contains no gluten."

HEMP-HEARTS -Healing-source.com (cache)

Ritual Evidence

1. Iranic.com Haoma Ritual (cache)

2. (EJVS MAY 2003 part 1a)The Soma-Haoma problem: Introductory overview and observations on the discussion (J.E.M. Houben) (cache)

3. (EJVS MAY 2003 part 1b) Report of the Workshop (J.E.M. Houben) (cache)

4. (EJVS MAY 2003 part 1c) Report concerning the contents of a ceramic vessel found in the "white room" of the Gonur Temenos, Merv Oasis, Turkmenistan (C.C. Bakels) (cache)


Picture 1 samples and packaging (135k) (cache)

Picture 2 seed imprints closeup 1(256k) (cache)

Picture 3 seed imprints closeup 2(218k) (cache)

5. (EJVS MAY 2003 part 1d) Margiana and Soma-Haoma (Victor I. Sarianidi) (cache)


Fig.1. Temple of Togolok-21. Plan (No.1) and Reconstruction (No.2). (cache)

Fig.2. Ceramics of the nomadic Andronov type. Temple of Togolok-1 (No.1) and the Gonur Temenos (No.2). (cache)

Fig.3. Summary Table. (cache)

Fig.4. "Small baths" with the inner gypsum layer from the rooms of the Gonur Temenos.

Fig.5. "Small baths" and fragments of the gypsum layer with the offprints of cannabis. (cache)

Fig.6. A (cache)+

B (cache). Cult vessels with the sculptured friezes from the temple of Togolok-1 (Nos. 1,2,3)

Fig.7. Bactria. Sculptured friezes from the cult vessels. (cache) Fig.8. A+B. Togolok-1. Frieze on the cult vessel

(1--Nos.1,2,3) (cache). Summary table of the small anthropomorphic statuettes from the Bactrian cult vessels

(2--No.1-8). (cache)

Fig.9. Margiana. "White rooms" and "courtyards surrounded by corridors" from the temples of Togolok-21 (No.1), Togolok-1 (No.2) and Gonur Temenos (No.3). (cache)

Fig.10. Small bone tubes with facial images from the temples of Margiana. (cache)

6.Botanical macro-remains of (Panicum miliaceum) from Kretuonas and Turlojiskes (cache)

Illustrations Picture 1 Turlojiskes carbonised millet grains (Panicum miliaceum) (cache)

7. Wild Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum) considered a weed problem to corn growers (cache)

Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report

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