

Available Galleries

Name Description Created Last modified User Imgs Visits
Church of Cognizance Church of Cognizance I.D.s, Licenses, Certificates, etc. Thu 15 of Feb, 2007 11:48 MST Thu 15 of Feb, 2007 13:50 MST EC Danuel Quaintance 1 17396
dan&mary's photo album Pictures from dan&mary's personal photo collection Fri 06 of Oct, 2006 16:25 MST Sat 07 of Oct, 2006 16:14 MST EC Danuel Quaintance 1 17173
DESECRATION PICTURES Evidence of desecration of the Religious Santuary of dan&mary's Monastery-HEMPorium by DEA agents and Law Enforcement officers of the State of Arizona on March 3, 2006 Sat 14 of Oct, 2006 09:22 MST Sat 14 of Oct, 2006 10:00 MST EC Danuel Quaintance 9 22164
EJVS Pictures and Figures Pictures and Figures from the EJVS0901 Workshop on the Soma-Haoma Problem. Tue 07 of Nov, 2006 10:40 MST Thu 09 of Nov, 2006 14:10 MST EC Danuel Quaintance 5 17294
Evidence This gallery is of the discovery evidence provided by prosecution for in case of USA v. Quaintance Wed 27 of Sep, 2006 19:17 MST Sun 05 of Nov, 2006 12:07 MST EC Danuel Quaintance 1 15877
Haoma collection of pictures related to "The Herb" and it's features for educational and research use in identification and proof's of it being the one and only "Haoma" a.k.a. "the Tree of Life" Sun 08 of Oct, 2006 16:21 MST Wed 26 of Sep, 2012 04:59 MST EC Danuel Quaintance 21 22378
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