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Evidence of desecration of the Religious Santuary of dan&mary's Monastery-HEMPorium by DEA agents and Law Enforcement officers of the State of Arizona on March 3, 2006
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dan&mary's Monstery-HEMPorium
Filename: 007-SUNP0135.jpg
ID: 21
Taken from the hill overlooking dan&mary's Monastery in rural arizona
(640x480) (59558 Bytes) [14827 Hits]

Sanctuary Sign
Filename: sanctuary-640x480.jpg
ID: 22
Sanctuary signs are posted around the religious Sanctuary of dan&mary's Monastery to inform persons they are at afamily oriented monastic order of the Church of Cognizance
(640x836) (81557 Bytes) [9213 Hits]

Bathroom 1
Filename: 008-IMG_0038.jpg
ID: 23
Bathroom 1 where everything that was on shelves, behind the door to the left, was thrown on the floor and an antique chair taken from the hall nearby was thrown on top showning the hate of the Officers involved in this crime.
(640x480) (54139 Bytes) [9259 Hits]

Bedroom 1
Filename: 008-IMG_0039.jpg
ID: 24
Clothes and other items taken from dresser drawers of the guest room one of the grandaughters uses during routine friday night stayovers. Then a clothes drying rack thrown on top by officers, for good measure!
(640x480) (42625 Bytes) [8238 Hits]

Church office computer room
Filename: 008-IMG_0042.jpg
ID: 25
Office/computer room where church business, research, laminating, cardprinting, etc. is conducted.
(640x480) (54608 Bytes) [8583 Hits]

Living room
Filename: 008-IMG_0046.jpg
ID: 26
looking from kitchen back into living room where shipping peanuts were dumped out of boxed and left scattered around the living room meeting area.
(640x480) (36070 Bytes) [8541 Hits]

Inner Adytum
Filename: 008-IMG_0047.jpg
ID: 27
In accordance with the pledge of members of the COC this Inner Adytum provides Sanctuary in a locked room used to secure religious sacrament
(640x480) (31256 Bytes) [8593 Hits]

Bathroom 2
Filename: 008-IMG_0051.jpg
ID: 28
Shower curtain rods ripped down for no apparent reason other then to show the hate against dan&mary's relgious sactuary.
(640x480) (31521 Bytes) [8759 Hits]

dan&mary's bedroom
Filename: 008-IMG_0054.jpg
ID: 29
Not only were pictures and posters of dan&mary's prime deity ripped from the wall leaving just the corners, family heirlooms from the mid 1800's in the humpback trunk were also destroyed in an act of hate.
(640x480) (42513 Bytes) [9225 Hits]

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