
Browsing Gallery: EJVS Pictures and Figures

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Pictures and Figures from the EJVS0901 Workshop on the Soma-Haoma Problem.
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Filename: ejvs0901dF01-sm.jpg
ID: 47
Fig.1. Temple of Togolok-21. Plan (No.1) and Reconstruction (No.2).
(500x670) (50934 Bytes) [9545 Hits]

Filename: ejvs0901dF02-sm.jpg
ID: 48
Fig.2. Ceramics of the nomadic Andronov type. Temple of Togolok-1 (No.1) and the Gonur Temenos (No.2).
(500x870) (75146 Bytes) [8968 Hits]

Filename: ejvs0901dF03-sm.jpg
ID: 49
Fig.3. Summary Table.
(500x623) (69090 Bytes) [8476 Hits]

Filename: ejvs0901dF04-sm.jpg
ID: 50
Fig.4. "Small baths" with the inner gypsum layer from the rooms of the Gonur Temenos.
(500x360) (39183 Bytes) [8175 Hits]

Filename: ejvs0901dF05-sm.jpg
ID: 66
Fig.5. "Small baths" and fragments of the gypsum layer with the offprints of cannabis.
(500x680) (71067 Bytes) [8218 Hits]

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