August 21-23, 2006 an evidentiary hearing was held, on dan&mary's (2nd) Motion To Dismiss, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico.
For Defense, Cultural Anthropologist, HT page 3, HT page 10, HT page 20, HT page 30, HT page 40, HT page 50, HT page 60, HT page 70, HT page 80,
Transcript pdf file pages 3-83 (3,094kb)
For Defense, Graham County Sheriff 1988-1997, HT page 83
Transcript pdf file pages 84-89 (185kb)
For Defense, Enlightened Cogniscenti COC, HT page 89, HT page 100, HT page 110, HT page 120
Transcript pdf file pages 90-124 (1,267kb)
For Defense, Enlightened Cogniscenti COC, HT page 142, HT page 150, HT page 160, HT page 170
Transcript pdf file pages 142-170 (970kb)
Defendant, Enlightened Cogniscenti COC, HT page 171, HT page 180, HT page 190, HT page 200, HT page 210, HT page 220, HT page 230, HT page 240, HT page 250
NOTICE: The .pdf file below is full of errors, which many have been corrected in the pages above. Page 189 line 13 gives a clear example of an answer a question refers to in line 22, an answer showing transcription error.
Transcript pdf file pages 170-252 (3,137kb)
For Government, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Zoroastrian (Ervad) Priest, HT page 308, HT page 310, HT page 320, HT page 330, HT page 340
Transcript pdf file pages 308-343 (1,124kb)
Primarily a Scientist, responsible for premarin, a cancer-causing drug of Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals, SEE: Governments Exhibit 10 - Jehan Bagli - Curriculum Vitae 746.31 Kb
SEE Also:Premarin, Politics, and the Public Health (cache): Citizens against gov. waste 1997, An Expose Revealing How Politics Trumped Science at the FDA
For Government, DEA Task Force Officer, HT page 343, HT page 350, HT page 360
Transcript pdf file pages 343-361 (597kb)
*Ends with Miss Gould's Redirect
For Government, DEA Task Force Officer, HT page 363, HT page 370
Transcript pdf file pages 363-371 (269kb)
For Government, DEA Task Force Officer, HT page 373
Transcript pdf file pages 373-376 (134kb)
Defendant, Enlightened Cogniscenti COC, HT page 377
Transcript pdf file pages 377 (Rebuttal 30kb)
Defendant, Enlightened Cogniscenti COC, HT page 378
Transcript pdf file pages 378-380 (Rebuttal 86kb)