
basic understanding of weblogs

This page provides a brief lesson to understanding Weblogs.


 First you need to know IP addresses are like Telephone Numbers they direct the calls toweb resources on the Internet. Each element addresses 0-255 locations. IPs are made upof 256 elements, of 256 elements, of 256 elements, of 256 elements. The last 256 elementnumber is the most signifigant to identifying individual units of the element to the left of it. Which is ussually an identifier of the Network it belongs to. There are 3 types of networks depending on there size. The left most elements identify their type.

Class A networks (0.x.x.x to 127.x.x.x) A list of Class A network owners can be found at http://www.alain.knaff.lu/networks/a/indexa.html

Class B networks (128.0.x.x to 191.255.x.x) A list of Class B network owners can be found at http://www.alain.knaff.lu/networks/b/indexb.html

Class C networks (192.0.0.x to 223.255.255.x) A list of Class C network owners can be found at http://www.alain.knaff.lu/networks/c/indexc.html

Every element of the internet are connected by IP numbers.

Even your computer gets one assigned when you are online.

Physical locations can often be looked up at http://geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm

The link to Arin below the info will give more info


 When a request is made to a web site, most websites keep logs of what computer made the request, what they request, and otherinformation. Below is a typical Weblog entry. Each element will be describedabove it.IP of requester   date and time of the request  What is requested  Status code    bytes transfered     The page the requester was at prior to taking a link to the current request      Information about the requesters browser72.227.26.228 - - 27/Feb/2006:11:56:43 +0800  "GET / HTTP/1.1"      200        291       "http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?messageid=216374&mpage=1&showdate=2/26/06" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7" The element under "what is requested"  "GET / HTTP/1.1" means that the request was to the root of the website, or homepage. Basically the call like http://haoma.orgwithout any directory info.  Once that is in your browser then request to other elementsto construct the page can be made with additional "GET" commands.  If the first entry of a IP address in a log starts off with a"GET /directory/directory/item" then that request resulted fromthat request being entered into the address bar of the browserby the person making the request. If a "GET comes after the firstentry then it is either filling the page with the various picturesand other part. Or a request for another page. Many page requestbegin with /cgi because a person is running a script on their siteto answer page request.  What "Status Codes" are is information returned by the serverto the browser to let it know information about the request. such as if the page has moved, begin downloading the info, etc. Elements in the log that show up "_" means the requesters browseris blocking that information from being sent.


A list of status codes can be found at http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html

Time Zone conversions can be made at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html


The +0800 is the Zone for Hong Kong which is where the COC website is located.

That is the end of this simple lesson. Have fun exploring logs!

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