
Vendidad Fargard XX page 227

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{THUMBDIV(align=>right, width=>130px, imgid=>43, title=>There are two Haomas: one is the yellow or golden Haoma, which is the earthly Haoma, and which, when prepared for the sacrifice, is the king of healing plants; the other is the white Haoma or Gaokerena., alt=>There are two Haomas: one is the yellow or golden Haoma, which is the earthly Haoma, and which, when prepared for the sacrifice, is the king of healing plants; the other is the white Haoma or Gaokerena., thumbwidth=>45, thumbheight=>82)}“There are two Haomas: one is the yellow or golden Haoma, which is the earthly Haoma, and which, when prepared for the sacrifice, is the king of healing plants; the other is the white Haoma or Gaokerena,” Page image from Sacred Books of the East Vol. IV, The Zend Avesta (1895){THUMBDIV} the sword and the fire of fever from the bodies of mortals?'

2(11). Ahura Mazda answered: 'Thrita it was who first of the healers, of the wise, the happy, the wealthy, the glorious, the strong, the Paradhâtas, drove back sickness to sickness, drove back death to death, and first turned away the point of the sword and fire of fever from the bodies of mortals.

3(12). 'He asked for a source of remedies; he obtained it from Khshathra-Vairya(1), to withstand sickness and to withstand death: to withstand pain and to withstand fever; to withstand Sârana and to withstand Sârastya(2); to withstand Azahva; to withstand Kurugha and to withstand azivâka; to withstand Duruka and to withstand Astrairya; to withstand the evil eye, rottenness, and infection which Angra Mainyu had created against the bodies of mortals.

4(15). 'And I Ahura Mazda brought down the healing plants that, by many hundreds, by many thousands; by many myriads, grow up all around the one Gaokerena(3).

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  • 1 As Khshathra-Vairya presides over metals, it was a knife he recieved, 'of which the point and the base were set in gold.' He was therefore the first who healed with the knife, as well as the first who healed with herbs. As for the healing with the holy word, see (sect. 5 and seq.
  • 2 Headache and cold fever.
  • 3 There are two Haomas: one is the yellow or golden Haoma, which is the earthly Haoma, and which, when prepared for the sacrifice, is the king of healing plants; the other is the white Haoma or Gaokerena, which grows up in the middle of the sea Vouru-where it is surrounded by the ten thousand healing
Q 2

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