
Members showed their membership by possessing ceramic amullets

Originally Members showed their membership by possessing ceramic amulets. These amulets were the last made and were artifacts of the founding era of the church. The government taking these was an act of sacrilege showing the comission of a Hate Crime.
Ceramic Amulets

Originally Members showed their membership by possessing ceramic amulets. These amulets were the last made and were artifacts of the founding era of the church. The government taking these was an act of sacrilege showing the comission of a Hate Crime.

SEE Discovery page 238: Showing DEA Task Force Officer (TFO) Medlin and Det. Smith were aware the property was a religious sanctuary that "worships marijuana". Because there was no other alleged crime, it should easily be seen the Church was attack for it's beliefs and practices; and this by definition constitutes a "hate crime"!

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