Homeostasis         page id: 25


"Complex systems, such as a human body, must have homeostasis to maintain stability and to survive. These systems do not only have to endure to survive; they must adapt themselves and evolve to modifications of the environment." wikipedia:Homeostasis

"The biological effects of cannabinoids transcend many scales of organization. Cannabinoids regulate sub-cellular biochemistry, intercellular communication, and all body systems (cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immunological, nervous, musculo-skeletal, reproductive, respiratory, and tegumentary). It is proposed that their emergent properties extend to social, political, and economic phenomena. As a result of man's unprecedented impact on his surroundings, the selective pressure on the evolutionary progression of man's endocannabinoid system has novel time constraints that

may be best met by behavioral modification. Presently, mankind is engaged in an evolutionary battle between more primitive members of a relatively cannabinoid deficient population and those relatively more endowed. The outcome of this genetic conflict may determine man's survival."

NECSI 2006 Endocannabinoids: Multi-scaled, Global Homeostatic Regulators of Cells and Society: By Robert Melamede, Biology Department and Bioenergetics Institute University of Colorado, Colorado, Springs, CO, rmelamed at uccs.edu
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