
First ever Congress of the United Cannabis Ministries

Just prior to the close of the First Congress of the UCM, each member was given heavy piece of handmade Hemp paper. The purpose was to write down goals of the UCM. The UCM members each were given an opportunity to make one suggestion they felt closest to. At the end of the session on formulating a "Statement of Purpose" a signing session followed to collect signatures of the other members on each members hand written declaration.

The size of the paper made it hard to copy. However, a picture of the Statement of Purpose confirms the purposes listed below.


1. To spread the knowledge of the most useful plant of the world.

2. To cover the world with this plant.

3. To be sure everyone can have Marijuana.

4. To stop the persecution.

5. To promote and protect the religious and spiritual uses of cannabis.

6. To form a Body Politic so we can have a voice.

7. To create sustainable world economy thru the legalization and proliferation of hemp cultivation.

8. To bring Truth to the world.

9. To redeam what it is to be human together thru cannabis as a sacrament and hemp as a sustainable resource.

10. To heal the sick and restore the planet.


Signatures of persons in agreement with Statement of Purpose

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