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%PDF-1.2 %âãÏÓ 9 0 obj << /Length 10 0 R >> stream BT 36 741.75 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 15.75 Tf 0.1131 Tc 0.0744 Tw ( THE MARIJUANA HYMN OF EARLY RELIGION) Tj 374.25 0 TD 0 Tc 5.0625 Tw ( ) Tj -374.25 -15 TD /F1 12 Tf 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0498 Tc 0.2373 Tw ( Translated by Danuel D. Quaintance in 1996; from the writings of L. H. Mills \(in ) Tj 396 0 TD /F2 12 Tf 0 Tc 0.1869 Tw (Sacred Books of the East) Tj 120.75 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (, ) Tj -516.75 -13.5 TD -0.0568 Tc 0.3485 Tw (American Edition, 1898.\) .The translation was made by replacing all instances of the word Haoma with the ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.414 Tc 0 Tw (w) Tj 8.25 0 TD 0.0013 Tc -0.0013 Tw (ord Marijuana, other) Tj 99 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -107.25 -13.5 TD -0.0787 Tc 0.4001 Tw (than that it stands as translated by Mills.) Tj 192.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -192.75 -14.25 TD 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0407 Tc 0.0407 Tw (Replacements 10) Tj 81.75 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0 Tc (20) Tj 12 0 TD 0.504 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0 Tc (02) Tj 12 0 TD 1.5 Tw ( ) Tj -114.75 -13.5 TD -0.0643 Tc 0.3143 Tw (Daevas replaced with Demons) Tj 145.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -145.5 -14.25 TD 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw ([) Tj 3.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0015 Tc (GLOSSARY) Tj 66 0 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.246 Tc (]) Tj 3.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -73.5 -14.25 TD /F0 12 Tf 0.099 Tc 0 Tw (Avesta) Tj 35.25 0 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.1553 Tc 0.1553 Tw ( \(Pers.\): ) Tj 39.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 4.5 Tw ( ) Tj -39 -13.5 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.0367 Tc 0.2867 Tw (the holy scriptures of Zoroastrianism \(Var: Phl. 'abestag, abistag'\); the language of the Avesta \(Var. ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.123 Tc 0 Tw ('Avestan) Tj 40.5 0 TD 0.086 Tc -0.086 Tw ('\); ) Tj 12.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -89.25 -14.25 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.1164 Tc 0 Tw (Haoma) Tj 36.75 0 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.082 Tc 0.082 Tw ( \(Av.\): ) Tj 34.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -35.25 -13.5 TD -0.0547 Tc 0.3047 Tw (name of a plant with medicinal and spiritual properties; name of the ) Tj 328.5 0 TD 1 0 0 rg -0.0468 Tc 0 Tw (yazad) Tj ET 400.5 531.75 27.75 0.75 re f BT 428.25 534 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.0426 Tc 0.3426 Tw ( presiding over the haoma ) Tj -356.25 -14.25 TD -0.0218 Tc 0.0218 Tw (plant. \(Var: Phl. 'hom'\). ) Tj 115.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -151.5 -13.5 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.15 Tc 0 Tw (Yasht) Tj 29.25 0 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.048 Tc 0.048 Tw ( \(Phl.\): ) Tj 36 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -29.25 -13.5 TD -0.1057 Tc 0.3557 Tw (one of the hymns of the ) Tj 116.25 0 TD 1 0 0 rg -0.054 Tc 0 Tw (Avesta) Tj ET 188.25 490.5 33 0.75 re f BT 221.25 492.75 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.0509 Tc 0.3509 Tw ( honoring various spiritual beings. ) Tj 167.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -352.5 -14.25 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.1008 Tc 0 Tw (Yasna) Tj 31.5 0 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.082 Tc 0.082 Tw ( \(Av.\): ) Tj 34.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -30 -13.5 TD -0.087 Tc 0.337 Tw (one of the books of the ) Tj 113.25 0 TD 1 0 0 rg -0.054 Tc 0 Tw (Avesta) Tj ET 185.25 462.75 33 0.75 re f BT 218.25 465 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.1069 Tc 0.5287 Tw (; the name of a high liturgical service in which the text of the Yasna is ) Tj -146.25 -14.25 TD -0.0574 Tc 0.0574 Tw (recited ) Tj 35.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -71.25 -33 TD /F0 18 Tf -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (AV) Tj 25.5 0 TD -0.1002 Tc 0.8502 Tw (ESTA: YASNA) Tj 119.25 0 TD 0 Tc 6 Tw ( ) Tj -144.75 -29.25 TD 1 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0425 Tc 0.2732 Tw (This revised edition copyright \251 1996, 2002 by Danuel D. Quaintance. All rights reserved.) Tj ET 36 386.25 436.5 0.75 re f BT 472.5 388.5 TD 0 0 0 rg 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -436.5 -27.75 TD -0.0478 Tc 0.1728 Tw (Translated by L. H. Mills \(From ) Tj 157.5 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.054 Tc 0.804 Tw (Sacred ) Tj 36.75 0 TD 0.0776 Tc -0.0776 Tw (Books of the East) Tj 84.75 0 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.1153 Tc 0.3028 Tw (, American Edition, 1898.\) ) Tj 129.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 36 337.5 540 1.5 re f 36 338.25 0.75 0.75 re f 36 338.25 0.75 0.75 re f 36.75 338.25 538.5 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 575.25 338.25 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 575.25 338.25 0.75 0.75 re f 36 337.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 36 337.5 0.75 0.75 re f 36.75 337.5 538.5 0.75 re f 575.25 337.5 0.75 0.75 re f 575.25 337.5 0.75 0.75 re f BT 576 333 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj -540 -31.5 TD /F0 18 Tf -0.0416 Tc 0.1166 Tw (THE HOM YASHT = [ THE MARIJUANA HYMN ]) Tj 417.75 0 TD 0 Tc 6 Tw ( ) Tj -417.75 -33.75 TD /F0 13.5 Tf -0.0527 Tc 0.4277 Tw (YASNA 9.) Tj 60 0 TD 0 Tc 3.375 Tw ( ) Tj -60 -18 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.0737 Tc 0.3951 Tw (1. At the hour of Havani, Marijuana came to Zarathushtra, as he served the ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0669 Tc 0.4131 Tw (\(sacred\) Fire, and sanctified \(its flame\), while he sang aloud the Gathas. And ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0585 Tc 0 Tw (Zara) Tj 21.75 0 TD -0.0439 Tc 0.2314 Tw (thushtra asked him: Who art thou, O honorable one) Tj 246 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (1) Tj 4.5 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.082 Tc 0.332 Tw (! who art of all the ) Tj -272.25 -14.25 TD -0.0798 Tc 0.4548 Tw (incarnate world the most beautiful in Thine own body of those whom I have, ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0854 Tc 0.6479 Tw (seen, \(thou\) glorious [immortal]? ) Tj 162 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 232.5 159.75 12 re f BT 416.25 235.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 9.75 Tf 0.0784 Tc 0 Tw (Notes:) Tj 27 0 TD /F1 9.75 Tf 0 Tc -0.1875 Tw ( ) Tj 2.25 0 TD 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 207 159.75 25.5 re f BT 416.25 210 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.095 Tc -0.0013 Tw (1. So Hum2 138; Mills has 'O man'. ) Tj 145.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3.5625 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 244.5 161.25 16.5 re f 415.5 207 0.75 37.5 re f 576 207 0.75 37.5 re f 415.5 190.5 161.25 16.5 re f BT 36 176.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0399 Tc 0.2274 Tw (2. Thereupon gave Marijuana an) Tj 156 0 TD -0.0518 Tc 0.3018 Tw (swer, the holy one who driveth death afar: I ) Tj -156 -14.25 TD -0.0239 Tc 0.131 Tw (am, O Zarathushtra Marijuana, the holy and driving death afar; pray to me, O ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0876 Tc 0.5162 Tw (Spitama, prepare me for the taste. Praise me so that also the other Saoshyants ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0848 Tc 0.5848 Tw ([benefactors] may praise me) Tj 135.75 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (2) Tj 4.5 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc (. ) Tj 6 0 TD 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 164.25 159.75 12 re f BT 416.25 167.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.057 Tc 0.0555 Tw (2. So Hum2 74. Mills rea) Tj 100.5 0 TD 0.2311 Tc -0.4186 Tw (ds. 'Praise ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 153 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 155.25 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.1352 Tc -0.1352 Tw (toward me in \(Thy\) praises as the other ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 141.75 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 144 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.0828 Tc -0.2703 Tw ([Saoshyants] praise.' ) Tj 84 0 TD 0 Tc 3.5625 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 176.25 161.25 11.25 re f 415.5 141.75 0.75 34.5 re f 576 141.75 0.75 34.5 re f 415.5 130.5 161.25 11.25 re f BT 36 116.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0529 Tc 0.3654 Tw (3. Thereupon spake Zarathushtra: Unto Marijuana be the praise. What man, O ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0696 Tc 0.4029 Tw (Marijuana! first prepared thee for the corporeal world? What award) Tj 323.25 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (3) Tj 4.5 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf 0.03 Tc 0.345 Tw ( was ) Tj -327.75 -14.25 TD -0.128 Tc 0.753 Tw (offered him? what gain did he acq) Tj 164.25 0 TD -0.1476 Tc 0.1476 Tw (uire? ) Tj 26.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 106.5 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 108.75 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.1481 Tc -0.2285 Tw (3. \(ashish\) Mills relates Ashi to Asha ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 94.5 159.75 12 re f BT 416.25 97.5 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.1435 Tc -0.331 Tw (and reads 'blessedness'. ) Tj 96 0 TD 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 117.75 161.25 9.75 re f 415.5 94.5 0.75 23.25 re f 576 94.5 0.75 23.25 re f 415.5 84.75 161.25 9.75 re f BT 36 70.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0447 Tc 0.2755 Tw (4. Thereupon did Marijuana answer me, he the holy one, and driving death ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1122 Tc 0.6314 Tw (afar: Vivanghvant was the first of men who prepared me for the incarnate ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0932 Tc 0.4682 Tw (world. This award) Tj 87 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (4) Tj 4.5 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.0432 Tc 0.2307 Tw ( was offered him; t) Tj 90.75 0 TD -0.1661 Tc 0.7495 Tw (his gain did he acquire, that to him was ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 67.5 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 69.75 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.1225 Tc -0.31 Tw (4. Mills: 'blessedness'. ) Tj 91.5 0 TD 0 Tc 2.0625 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 42 159.75 25.5 re f BT 416.25 45 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.149 Tc -0.1865 Tw (5. So Malandra, Mills reads ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 78.75 161.25 3 re f 415.5 42 0.75 36.75 re f 576 42 0.75 36.75 re f 415.5 39 161.25 3 re f endstream endobj 10 0 obj 9091 endobj 4 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 7 0 R /F2 8 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 9 0 R >> endobj 12 0 obj << /Length 13 0 R >> stream BT 36 743.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0949 Tc 0.4949 Tw (born a son who was Yima, called the brilliant, \(he of the many flocks, the ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0675 Tc 0.2817 Tw (most glorious of those yet born, the sunlike) Tj 207 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1618 Tc 0.8046 Tw (one of men\), that he made from ) Tj -211.5 -14.25 TD -0.0472 Tc 0.2722 Tw (his authority both herds and people free from dying, both plants) Tj 306 0 TD -0.072 Tc 0.322 Tw ( and waters ) Tj -306 -13.5 TD -0.0861 Tc 0.5147 Tw (free from drought, and men could eat inexhaustible) Tj 245.25 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (5) Tj 4.5 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.1992 Tc 0.5742 Tw ( food. ) Tj 30.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 742.5 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 744.75 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.0456 Tc -0.2331 Tw ('imperishable'. ) Tj 59.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3.5625 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 753.75 161.25 0.75 re f 415.5 742.5 0.75 11.25 re f 576 742.5 0.75 11.25 re f 415.5 697.5 161.25 45 re f BT 36 683.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0641 Tc 0.2141 Tw (5. In the reign of brave) Tj 109.5 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (6) Tj 4.5 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.1394 Tc 0.6644 Tw ( Yima was there neither cold nor heat, there was ) Tj -114 -13.5 TD -0.0873 Tc 0.4623 Tw (neither age nor death, nor envy demon) Tj 184.5 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.336 Tc (m) Tj 9 0 TD -0.042 Tc 0.042 Tw (ade. Like teenagers) Tj 92.25 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (7) Tj 4.5 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf 0.015 Tc 0.1725 Tw ( walked the two ) Tj -294.75 -13.5 TD -0.0916 Tc 0.4666 Tw (forth, son and father, in their stature and their form, so long as Yima, son of ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0895 Tc 0.4109 Tw (Vivanghvant ruled, he of the many herds! ) Tj 202.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 682.5 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 684.75 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.0699 Tc 0.1926 Tw (6. \(Yimahe xshathre aurvahe\) So ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 671.25 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 673.5 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.1167 Tc -0.0542 Tw (Malandra, Mills reads 'swift of motion'. ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 659.25 159.75 12 re f BT 416.25 662.25 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.1018 Tc -0.0393 Tw (Wolff reads 'Herrschaft' ) Tj 98.25 0 TD -0.015 Tc 0.2025 Tw (\(cf B542\). ) Tj 42.75 0 TD 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 633.75 159.75 25.5 re f BT 416.25 636.75 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.1364 Tc -0.3239 Tw (7. Mills: 'fifteen) Tj 64.5 0 TD -0.2467 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3 0 TD 0.1195 Tc -0.307 Tw (yearlings'. ) Tj 43.5 0 TD 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 693.75 161.25 0.75 re f 415.5 633.75 0.75 60 re f 576 633.75 0.75 60 re f 415.5 633 161.25 0.75 re f BT 36 618.75 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0785 Tc 0.4246 Tw (6. Who was the second man, O Marijuana! who prepared thee for the ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0498 Tc 0.2998 Tw (corporeal world? What award) Tj 142.5 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (8) Tj 4.5 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.0958 Tc 0.4292 Tw ( was offered him? what gain did he acquire? ) Tj 215.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 609.75 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 612 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.1108 Tc -0.2983 Tw (8. Mills: 'sanctity'. ) Tj 75.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3.5625 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 621 161.25 9 re f 415.5 609.75 0.75 11.25 re f 576 609.75 0.75 11.25 re f 415.5 601.5 161.25 8.25 re f BT 36 587.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0693 Tc 0.3505 Tw (7. Thereupon gave Marijuana answer, he the holy ) Tj 240.75 0 TD -0.0125 Tc 0.1625 Tw (one, and driving death afar: ) Tj -240.75 -14.25 TD -0.0269 Tc 0.0269 Tw (Athwya was the second who prepared) Tj 181.5 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.082 Tc 0.457 Tw (me for the corporeal world. This ) Tj -186.75 -13.5 TD -0.1632 Tc 0 Tw (award) Tj 28.5 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc (9) Tj 4.5 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.1044 Tc 0.4794 Tw ( was given him, this gain did he acquire, that to him a son was born, ) Tj -33 -14.25 TD -0.0854 Tc 0.4604 Tw (Thraetaona of the mighty clan) Tj 144 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (10) Tj 9 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc (, ) Tj 6 0 TD 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 585.75 159.75 12 re f BT 416.25 588.75 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.1225 Tc -0.31 Tw (9. Mills: 'blessedness'. ) Tj 91.5 0 TD 0 Tc 2.0625 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 560.25 159.75 25.5 re f BT 416.25 563.25 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.1138 Tc -0.3013 Tw (10. \(v\356s\364 s\373rayau\) Foll) Tj 90 0 TD 0.225 Tc -0.4125 Tw (owing ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 549 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 551.25 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.1209 Tc -0.1584 Tw (Gershevitch. Mills reads 'heroic tribe'. ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 537.75 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 540 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.157 Tc -0.3445 Tw (Malandra reads 'mighty house'. ) Tj 127.5 0 TD 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 597.75 161.25 0.75 re f 415.5 537.75 0.75 60 re f 576 537.75 0.75 60 re f 415.5 537 161.25 0.75 re f BT 36 522.75 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.1236 Tc 0.4986 Tw (8. Who smote Azhi Dahaka) Tj 132 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (11) Tj 9 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.123 Tc 0.123 Tw (, three) Tj 29.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0583 Tc 0.0583 Tw (jawed and triple) Tj 76.5 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1488 Tc 0.1488 Tw (headed, six) Tj 52.5 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0547 Tc 0.8047 Tw (eyed, with ) Tj -313.5 -14.25 TD -0.0212 Tc 0.0212 Tw (thousand perceptions) Tj 101.25 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (12) Tj 9 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.103 Tc 0.353 Tw (, and of mighty strength, a lie) Tj 140.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0874 Tc 0.4624 Tw (demon [druj] of the ) Tj -255 -13.5 TD -0.0793 Tc 0.4543 Tw (Demons, evil for our settlem) Tj 137.25 0 TD -0.0714 Tc 0.4464 Tw (ents, and wicked, whom the evil spirit Angra ) Tj -137.25 -14.25 TD -0.0985 Tc 0.5601 Tw (Mainyu made as the most mighty Druj [against the corporeal world], and for ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0406 Tc 0.1656 Tw (the murder of \(our\) settlements, and to slay the \(homes\) of Asha! ) Tj 314.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 511.5 159.75 12 re f BT 416.25 514.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.085 Tc -0.1225 Tw (11. Mills: 'the dragon Dahaka'. ) Tj 124.5 0 TD 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 486 159.75 25.5 re f BT 416.25 489 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.0685 Tc -0.256 Tw (12. \(hazanr\342) Tj 48.75 0 TD -0.2467 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3 0 TD 0.1608 Tc 0.0267 Tw (yaoxsht\356m\) Mills: ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 474.75 159.75 11.25 re f BT 416.25 477 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.0819 Tc 0 Tw ('thou) Tj 19.5 0 TD 0.1273 Tc -0.3148 Tw (sand powers'. ) Tj 56.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3.5625 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 523.5 161.25 10.5 re f 415.5 474.75 0.75 48.75 re f 576 474.75 0.75 48.75 re f 415.5 463.5 161.25 11.25 re f BT 36 449.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0584 Tc 0.3263 Tw (9. Who was the third man, O Marijuana! who prepared thee for the corporeal ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1088 Tc 0.4838 Tw (world? What award) Tj 93.75 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc 0 Tw (13) Tj 9 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.1325 Tc 0.5492 Tw ( was given him? what gain did he acquire? ) Tj 207 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 439.5 159.75 12 re f BT 416.25 442.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.1008 Tc -0.0383 Tw (13. Mills: 'blessedness'. ) Tj 96.75 0 TD 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 451.5 161.25 9 re f 415.5 439.5 0.75 12 re f 576 439.5 0.75 12 re f 415.5 431.25 161.25 8.25 re f BT 36 417 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0356 Tc 0.2231 Tw (10. Thereupon gave Marijuana answer, the holy one, and driving death afar: ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0852 Tc 0.4602 Tw (Thrita, [the most helpful of the Samids], was the third man who prepared me ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0849 Tc 0.4599 Tw (for the corporeal world. This award was given him, this gain did he acquire, ) Tj T* -0.082 Tc 0.457 Tw (that to him two son were born, Urvakhshaya and Keresaspa, the one a judge ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.042 Tc 0.042 Tw (confirming order, the other a) Tj 137.25 0 TD -0.048 Tc 0.348 Tw ( youth of great ascendant, curly) Tj 151.5 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.123 Tc (haired) Tj 29.25 5.25 TD /F1 8.25 Tf 0.375 Tc (14) Tj 9 -5.25 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.75 Tw (, ) Tj -332.25 -13.5 TD -0.0518 Tc 0 Tw (bludgeon) Tj 44.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0923 Tc 0.0923 Tw (bearing. ) Tj 41.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 393 159.75 12 re f BT 416.25 396 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.1008 Tc -0.0383 Tw (14. Mills: 'blessedness'. ) Tj 96.75 0 TD 0 Tc 2.0625 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 416.25 367.5 159.75 25.5 re f BT 416.25 370.5 TD 0 0 0 rg 0.0616 Tc 0.1259 Tw (15. Mills: 'ringlet) Tj 69 0 TD -0.2467 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3 0 TD 0.1494 Tc -0.3369 Tw (headed'. ) Tj 35.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3.5625 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 415.5 405 161.25 23.25 re f 415.5 367.5 0.75 37.5 re f 576 367.5 0.75 37.5 re f 415.5 343.5 161.25 24 re f BT 36 329.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0717 Tc 0.4467 Tw (11. He who smote the horny dragon swallowing men, and swallowing horses, ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0647 Tc 0.3375 Tw (poisonous, and green of color over which, as thick as thumbs ar) Tj 305.25 0 TD -0.0984 Tc 0.8484 Tw (e, greenish ) Tj -305.25 -13.5 TD -0.0889 Tc 0.4928 Tw (poison flowed aside, on whose back once Keresaspa cooked his meat in iron ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0468 Tc 0.3195 Tw (caldron at the noonday meal; and the deadly, scorched, upstarted, and ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0532 Tc 0.3657 Tw (springing off, dashed out the water as it boiled. Headlong fled affrighted ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.15 Tc 0 Tw (manly) Tj 29.25 0 TD 1.254 Tc (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.0818 Tc 0.0818 Tw (minded Keresaspa. ) Tj 93 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -127.5 -27.75 TD -0.0863 Tc 0.4325 Tw (12. Who was the fourth man who prepared thee, O Marijuana! for the ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0832 Tc 0.4582 Tw (corporeal world? What blessedness was given him? what gain did he acquire? ) Tj ET q 32.25 0 381.75 792 re W n BT 412.5 219 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 191.25 TD -0.0483 Tc 0.2983 Tw (13. Thereupon gave Marijuana answer, he the holy, and driving death afar: ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0898 Tc 0.4648 Tw (Pourushaspa was the fourth man who prep) Tj 203.25 0 TD -0.0844 Tc 0.5844 Tw (ared me for the corporeal world. ) Tj -203.25 -14.25 TD -0.0743 Tc 0.4204 Tw (This blessedness was given him, this gain did he acquire, that thou, O ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0725 Tc 0.51 Tw (Zarathushtra! wast born to him, the just, in Pourushaspa's house, the Demon's ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0803 Tc 0.4264 Tw (foe, the friend of Mazda's lore, \(14\) famed in Airyana Vaejah; and thou, O) Tj 357 0 TD 0 Tc 0.75 Tw ( ) Tj -357 -13.5 TD -0.0822 Tc 0.4572 Tw (Zarathushtra! didst recite the first the Ahuna) Tj 212.25 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1542 Tc 0.9042 Tw (vairya, four times intoning it, ) Tj -217.5 -13.5 TD -0.0756 Tc 0.4795 Tw (and with verses kept apart [\(Pazand\) each time with louder and still louder ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1054 Tc 0.1054 Tw (voice]. ) Tj 35.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -35.25 -27.75 TD -0.0082 Tc 0.0082 Tw (15. And thou didst cause, O Zarathushtra! all the demon) Tj 269.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1962 Tc 0.7962 Tw (gods to vanish in the ) Tj -273.75 -13.5 TD -0.1576 Tc 0.5326 Tw (ground who af) Tj 69 0 TD -0.0774 Tc 0.5547 Tw (oretime flew about this earth in human shape \(and power. This ) Tj 311.25 138 TD /F1 9.75 Tf 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream endobj 13 0 obj 11899 endobj 11 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F1 7 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 12 0 R >> endobj 15 0 obj << /Length 16 0 R >> stream BT 36 743.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0705 Tc 0.4167 Tw (hast thou done\), thou who hast been the strongest, and the staunchest, the ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0514 Tc 0.3192 Tw (most active, and the swiftest, and \(in every deed\) the most victorious in the ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1027 Tc 0.3527 Tw (two spirits' world. ) Tj 88.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -88.5 -27.75 TD -0.0769 Tc 0.5769 Tw (16. Thereupon spake ) Tj 103.5 0 TD -0.0416 Tc 0.363 Tw (Zarathushtra: Praise to Marijuana. Good is Marijuana, ) Tj -103.5 -13.5 TD -0.1656 Tc 0.5406 Tw (and the well) Tj 57.75 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1052 Tc 0.7052 Tw (endowed, exact and righteous in its nature, and good inherently, ) Tj -62.25 -14.25 TD -0.1051 Tc 0.5873 Tw (and healing, beautiful of form, and good in deed, and most successful in its ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1007 Tc 0.8507 Tw (working, golden) Tj 78 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0895 Tc 0.5395 Tw (hued, with bending sprouts. As ) Tj 152.25 0 TD -0.09 Tc 0.5186 Tw (it is the best for drinking, so ) Tj -234.75 -13.5 TD -0.105 Tc 0.5425 Tw (\(through its sacred stimulus\) is it the most nutritious for the soul. ) Tj 313.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 129.75 606.75 188.25 1.5 re f 129.75 607.5 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 607.5 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 607.5 186.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 317.25 607.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 317.25 607.5 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 606.75 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 129.75 606.75 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 606.75 186.75 0.75 re f 317.25 606.75 0.75 0.75 re f 317.25 606.75 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 381.75 792 re W n BT 411.75 602.25 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 576.75 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.1158 Tc 0.5377 Tw (17. I make my claim on thee, O yellow one! for inspiration. I make my claim ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1318 Tc 0.6005 Tw (on thee for strength; I make my claim on thee for victory; I make my claim ) Tj ET q 32.25 0 381.75 792 re W n BT 399 563.25 TD 0 Tc 0.75 Tw (on ) Tj ET Q BT 36 549.75 TD -0.15 Tc 0.75 Tw (thee for health and healing \(when healing is my need\); I make my claim on ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0628 Tc 0.409 Tw (thee for progress and increased prosperity, and vigor of the entire frame, and ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1085 Tc 0.5906 Tw (for understanding, of each adorning kind, and for this, that I may have free ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0156 Tc 0.0156 Tw (course among our settle) Tj 114 0 TD -0.0657 Tc 0.4943 Tw (ments, having power where I will, overwhelming ) Tj -114 -13.5 TD -0.0636 Tc 0.2778 Tw (angry malice, and a conqueror of lies. ) Tj 183.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -183.75 -27.75 TD -0.1103 Tc 0.4852 Tw (18. Yea, I make my claim on thee that I may overwhelm the angry hate of ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0723 Tc 0.3937 Tw (haters, of the Demons and of mortals, of the sorcerers and sirens, of the ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0201 Tc 0.0201 Tw (tyrants, and the Kavis,) Tj 107.25 0 TD -0.0367 Tc 0.2242 Tw ( of the Karpans, murderous bipeds, of the sanctity) Tj 239.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -346.5 -13.5 TD -0.0478 Tc 0.2353 Tw (destroyers, the profane apostate bipeds, of the wolves four) Tj 279 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1328 Tc 0.8828 Tw (footed monsters, ) Tj -284.25 -14.25 TD -0.1246 Tc 0.6871 Tw (of the invading host, wide) Tj 124.5 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0559 Tc 0.3559 Tw (fronted, which with stratagems advance. ) Tj 196.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 129.75 385.5 188.25 1.5 re f 129.75 386.25 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 386.25 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 386.25 186.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 317.25 386.25 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 317.25 386.25 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 385.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 129.75 385.5 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 385.5 186.75 0.75 re f 317.25 385.5 0.75 0.75 re f 317.25 385.5 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 381.75 792 re W n BT 411.75 381 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 355.5 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.0529 Tc 0.2779 Tw (19. This first blessing I beseech of thee, O Marijuana, th) Tj 270 0 TD -0.0087 Tc 0.1962 Tw (ou that drivest death ) Tj -270 -13.5 TD -0.0743 Tc 0.3243 Tw (afar! I beseech of thee for \(heaven\), the best life of the saints, the radiant, all) Tj 365.25 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -365.25 -14.25 TD -0.1207 Tc (glorious.) Tj 41.25 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -41.25 -13.5 TD -0.0498 Tc 0.2806 Tw (This second blessing I beseech of thee, O Marijuana, thou that drivest death ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0696 Tc 0.3696 Tw (afar! this body's health \(before that blest life is attained\). ) Tj 273.75 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -273.75 -14.25 TD -0.0481 Tc 0.2789 Tw (This third blessing I beseech of thee, O Marijuana, thou that drivest death ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1442 Tc 0.6442 Tw (afar! the long vitality of life. ) Tj 138.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -138.75 -27.75 TD -0.0516 Tc 0.2823 Tw (20. This fourth blessing I beseech of thee, O Marijuana, thou that drivest ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0559 Tc 0.2867 Tw (death afar! that I may stand forth on this earth with desires gained, ) Tj 321.75 0 TD -0.026 Tc 0.776 Tw (and ) Tj -321.75 -13.5 TD -0.0354 Tc 0.2854 Tw (powerful, receiving satisfaction, overwhelming the assaults of hate, and ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0678 Tc 0.4428 Tw (conquering the lie.) Tj 89.25 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -89.25 -14.25 TD -0.0395 Tc 0.2702 Tw (This fifth blessing, O Marijuana, I beseech of thee, thou that drivest death ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0809 Tc 0.49 Tw (afar! that I may stand victorious on earth, conquering in battles, ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1007 Tc 0.8507 Tw (overwhelming th) Tj 81 0 TD -0.0313 Tc 0.2188 Tw (e assaults of hate, and conquering the lie. ) Tj 201 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET q 32.25 0 381.75 792 re W n BT 36 134.25 TD -0.0539 Tc 0.3039 Tw (21. This sixth blessing I ask of thee, O Marijuana, thou that drivest death afar! ) Tj ET Q BT 36 120.75 TD -0.1063 Tc 0.5563 Tw (that we may get good warning of the thief, good warning of the murderer, see ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0413 Tc 0.0413 Tw (first the bludgeon) Tj 84 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0791 Tc 0.4541 Tw (bearer, get first sight of the wo) Tj 147.75 0 TD -0.1047 Tc 0.5547 Tw (lf. May no one whichsoever ) Tj -236.25 -14.25 TD -0.1074 Tc 0.4824 Tw (get first the sight of us. In the strife with each may we be they who get the ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0365 Tc 0.0365 Tw (first alarm! ) Tj 56.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 129.75 54 188.25 1.5 re f 129.75 54.75 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 54.75 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 54.75 186.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 317.25 54.75 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 317.25 54.75 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 54 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 129.75 54 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 54 186.75 0.75 re f 317.25 54 0.75 0.75 re f 317.25 54 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 381.75 792 re W n BT 411.75 49.5 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q endstream endobj 16 0 obj 7007 endobj 14 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F1 7 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 15 0 R >> endobj 18 0 obj << /Length 19 0 R >> stream BT 36 729 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0726 Tc 0.394 Tw (22. Marijuana grants to racers who would run a course with span both speed ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0858 Tc 0.5024 Tw (and bottom \(in their horses\). Marijuana grants to women come) Tj 300 0 TD 0 Tc 0.1875 Tw ( to bed with ) Tj -300 -13.5 TD -0.057 Tc 0.2445 Tw (child a brilliant offspring and a righteous line. ) Tj 222.75 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -222.75 -14.25 TD -0.0946 Tc 0.5946 Tw (Marijuana grants to those \(how many!\) who have long sat searching books, ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0762 Tc 0.3762 Tw (more knowledge and more wisdom. ) Tj 174.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -174.75 -27.75 TD -0.1182 Tc 0.6374 Tw (23. Marijuana grants to those long maidens, who sit at home unwed, good ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.041 Tc 0.041 Tw (husbands, and ) Tj 70.5 0 TD -0.0462 Tc 0.14 Tw (that as soon as asked, he Marijuana, the well) Tj 213 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1071 Tc 0.1071 Tw (minded. ) Tj 41.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -330 -27.75 TD -0.0886 Tc 0.5886 Tw (24. Marijuana lowered Keresani, dethroned him from his throne, for he grew ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0399 Tc 0.2706 Tw (so fond of power, that he treacherously said: No priest behind \(and watching\) ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1175 Tc 0.4925 Tw (shall walk the lands for me, as a counselor to p) Tj 224.25 0 TD -0.122 Tc 0.872 Tw (rosper them, he would rob ) Tj -224.25 -13.5 TD -0.0666 Tc 0.2916 Tw (everything of progress, he would crush the growth of all! ) Tj 276 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 129.75 537.75 188.25 1.5 re f 129.75 538.5 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 538.5 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 538.5 186.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 317.25 538.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 317.25 538.5 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 537.75 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 129.75 537.75 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 537.75 186.75 0.75 re f 317.25 537.75 0.75 0.75 re f 317.25 537.75 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 381.75 792 re W n BT 411.75 533.25 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 507.75 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.0783 Tc 0.3783 Tw (25. Hail to thee, O Marijuana, who hast power as thou wilt, and by thine ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0647 Tc 0.279 Tw (inborn strength! Hail to thee, thou art well) Tj 201.75 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1596 Tc 0.7846 Tw (versed in many sayings, and true ) Tj -207 -13.5 TD -0.0656 Tc 0.3156 Tw (and holy words. Ha) Tj 93.75 0 TD -0.0814 Tc 0.4223 Tw (il to thee for thou dost ask no wily questions, but ) Tj -93.75 -13.5 TD -0.0597 Tc 0.0597 Tw (questionest direct. ) Tj 89.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -89.25 -27.75 TD -0.0823 Tc 0.3636 Tw (26. Forth hath Mazda borne to thee, the star) Tj 209.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0796 Tc 0.5796 Tw (bespangled girdle, the spirit) Tj 132.75 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -346.5 -14.25 TD -0.026 Tc 0.026 Tw (made, the ancient one, the Mazdayasnian Faith.) Tj 227.25 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -227.25 -13.5 TD -0.067 Tc 0.3397 Tw (So with this thou art begirt on the summits of the mountains,) Tj ET q 32.25 0 381.75 792 re W n BT 327 411 TD -0.1208 Tc 0.6833 Tw ( for the spreading ) Tj ET Q BT 36 396.75 TD -0.0997 Tc 0.5283 Tw (of the precepts, and the headings of the Mathra, \(and to help the Mathra's ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0433 Tc 0.0433 Tw (teacher\), ) Tj 44.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -44.25 -27.75 TD -0.1007 Tc 0.4757 Tw (27. O Marijuana, thou house) Tj 136.5 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.093 Tc 0.343 Tw (lord, and thou clan) Tj 89.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1367 Tc 0.5117 Tw (lord, thou tribe) Tj 70.5 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.0825 Tc 0.4575 Tw (lord, and ) Tj -311.25 -13.5 TD -0.0727 Tc 0.4817 Tw (chieftain of the land, and thou successful learned teacher, for aggressive ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.168 Tc 0 Tw (s) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1164 Tc 0.6164 Tw (trength I speak to thee, for that which smites with victory, and for my body's ) Tj -4.5 -13.5 TD -0.0799 Tc 0.3799 Tw (saving, and for manifold delight! ) Tj 160.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -160.5 -27.75 TD -0.1072 Tc 0.5572 Tw (28. Bear off from us the torment and the malice of the hateful. Divert the ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1211 Tc 0.8711 Tw (angry foe's intent!) Tj 86.25 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -86.25 -13.5 TD -0.1596 Tc 0.743 Tw (What man soever in this house is violent and wi) Tj 229.5 0 TD -0.131 Tc 0.756 Tw (cked, what man soever in this ) Tj -229.5 -13.5 TD -0.0505 Tc 0.3183 Tw (village, or this tribe, or province, seize thou away the fleetness from his feet; ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1081 Tc 0.5768 Tw (throw thou a veil of darkness o'er his mind; make thou his intellect \(at once\) a ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.177 Tc 0.177 Tw (wreck! ) Tj 35.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -35.25 -27.75 TD -0.108 Tc 0.483 Tw (29. Let not the man who harms us, mind or body, have po) Tj 277.5 0 TD -0.1894 Tc 0.7894 Tw (wer to go forth on ) Tj -277.5 -14.25 TD -0.1007 Tc 0.4978 Tw (both his legs, or hold with both his hands, or see with both his eyes, not the ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1042 Tc 0.4792 Tw (land \(beneath his feet\), or the herd before his face. ) Tj 243.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 129.75 136.5 188.25 1.5 re f 129.75 137.25 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 137.25 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 137.25 186.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 317.25 137.25 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 317.25 137.25 0.75 0.75 re f 129.75 136.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 129.75 136.5 0.75 0.75 re f 130.5 136.5 186.75 0.75 re f 317.25 136.5 0.75 0.75 re f 317.25 136.5 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 381.75 792 re W n BT 411.75 132 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 105.75 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.073 Tc 0.4192 Tw (30. At the aroused and fearful Dragon, green, and belching forth his poison, ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0744 Tc 0.2619 Tw (for the righteous saint ) Tj 107.25 0 TD -0.0559 Tc 0.4309 Tw (that perishes, yellow Marijuana, hurl thy mace!) Tj 227.25 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -334.5 -13.5 TD -0.0373 Tc 0.0373 Tw (At the \(murderous\) bludgeon) Tj 138.75 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0305 Tc 0.1805 Tw (bearer, committing deeds unheard of, blood) Tj 209.25 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -352.5 -13.5 TD -0.0809 Tc 0.4976 Tw (thirsty, \(drunk\) with fury, yellow Marijuana, hurl thy mace! ) Tj 289.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream endobj 19 0 obj 6420 endobj 17 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F1 7 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 18 0 R >> endobj 21 0 obj << /Length 22 0 R >> stream BT 36 743.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.1001 Tc 0.5617 Tw (31. Against the wicked human tyrant, hurling weapons at the head, for the ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (r) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0764 Tc 0.4514 Tw (ighteous saint that perishes, yellow Marijuana, hurl thy mace!) Tj 295.5 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -300 -14.25 TD -0.0467 Tc 0.4217 Tw (Against the righteousness) Tj 123 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1046 Tc 0.6046 Tw (disturber, the unholy life) Tj 117.75 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0271 Tc 0.2771 Tw (destroyer, thoughts and ) Tj -249.75 -13.5 TD -0.0712 Tc 0.0712 Tw (words of our religion well) Tj 123.75 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1053 Tc 0.8553 Tw (delivering, yet in actions never reaching, for the ) Tj -128.25 -14.25 TD -0.04 Tc 0.19 Tw (righteous saint that perishes, yellow ) Tj 174.75 0 TD -0.1047 Tc 0.6672 Tw (Marijuana, hurl thy mace! ) Tj 128.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -303 -27.75 TD -0.0626 Tc 0.3511 Tw (32. Against the body of the harlot, with her magic minds o'erthrowing with ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0678 Tc 0.4428 Tw (\(intoxicating\) pleasures, to the lusts her person offering, whose mind as vapor ) Tj T* -0.0716 Tc 0.3841 Tw (wavers as it flies before the wind, for the righteous saint that perishes,) Tj 335.25 0 TD -0.069 Tc 0.819 Tw ( yellow ) Tj -335.25 -14.25 TD -0.1047 Tc 0.4797 Tw (Marijuana, hurl thy mace! ) Tj 127.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj -127.5 -16.5 TD 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -30.75 TD /F0 13.5 Tf -0.0461 Tc 0.4211 Tw (YASNA 10.) Tj 66.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3.375 Tw ( ) Tj -66.75 -18 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.1145 Tc 0.3645 Tw (1. Let the Demon) Tj 83.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1077 Tc 0.593 Tw (gods and Goddesses fly far away from hence, and let the good spirit being who guards the ) Tj -87.75 -14.25 TD -0.1051 Tc 0.5634 Tw (soul for three days after death make here his home! [And may the good Blessedness here likewise dwel) Tj 498.75 0 TD 0.015 Tc 0.36 Tw (l], and ) Tj -498.75 -13.5 TD -0.0533 Tc 0.3622 Tw (may she here spread delight and peace within this house, Ahura's, which is sanctified by Marijuana, bringing ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0431 Tc 0.0431 Tw (righteousness \(to all\). ) Tj 105.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -105.75 -27.75 TD -0.0927 Tc 0.4302 Tw (2. At the first force of thy pressure, O intelligent! I praise thee with my voice, while I grasp at ) Tj 452.25 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0.0765 Tc -0.0765 Tw (first thy shoo) Tj 68.25 0 TD 0.168 Tc 0 Tw (ts) Tj 9 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc (. ) Tj -529.5 -13.5 TD -0.0925 Tc 0.4512 Tw (At thy next pressure, O intelligent! I praise thee with my voice, when as with full force of a man I crush thee ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0828 Tc 0.0828 Tw (down. ) Tj 32.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -32.25 -27.75 TD -0.0667 Tc 0.3395 Tw (3. I praise the cloud that waters thee, and the rains which make thee grow on the summits of the mountains; and ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0731 Tc 0.4481 Tw (I praise thy lofty mo) Tj 98.25 0 TD -0.1133 Tc 0.6758 Tw (untains where the Marijuana ) Tj 139.5 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.024 Tc 0.024 Tw (branches spread) Tj 84 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (. ) Tj 6 0 TD 3 Tw ( ) Tj -327.75 -27.75 TD -0.0659 Tc 0.3817 Tw (4. This wide earth do I praise, expanded far \(with paths\), the productive, the full bearing, thy mother, holy ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1053 Tc 0.4803 Tw (plant! Yea, I praise the lands where thou dost grow, ) Tj 250.5 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0.2532 Tc 0 Tw (sweet) Tj 29.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc (-) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.0703 Tc (scented) Tj 37.5 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc (, ) Tj 6 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.042 Tc 0.042 Tw (swiftly spreading) Tj 87 0 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.152 Tc 0.902 Tw (, the good grow) Tj 75.75 0 TD -0.1423 Tc 0.6423 Tw (th of the ) Tj -489.75 -14.25 TD -0.0782 Tc 0.4949 Tw (Lord. O Marijuana, thou growest on the mountains, apart on many paths, and there still may'st thou flourish. ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0845 Tc 0.4792 Tw (The springs of Righteousness most verily thou art, \(and the fountains of the ritual find their source in thee\)! ) Tj 518.25 0 TD 0 Tc 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj -518.25 -27.75 TD 0 Tw (5. ) Tj 12 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0223 Tc 0.2723 Tw (Grow \(then\) because I) Tj 114 0 TD -0.0246 Tc 0.1183 Tw ( pray to thee on all thy stems and branches, in all thy shoots \(and tendrils\) ) Tj -126 -14.25 TD -0.0702 Tc 0.3702 Tw (increase thou through my word! ) Tj 168 0 TD 0 Tc 4.5 Tw ( ) Tj -168 -27.75 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.0935 Tc 0.5672 Tw (6. Marijuana grows while he is praised, and the man who praises him is therewith more victorious. The lightest ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0984 Tc 0.5484 Tw (pressure of thee, Marijuana, thy fe) Tj 164.25 0 TD -0.0253 Tc 0.1616 Tw (eblest praise, the slightest tasting of thy juice, avails to the thousand) Tj 326.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1089 Tc 0.8589 Tw (smiting ) Tj -495 -13.5 TD -0.138 Tc 0.388 Tw (of the Demons. ) Tj 75.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -75.75 -28.5 TD -0.0852 Tc 0.4066 Tw (7. Wasting doth vanish from that house, and) Tj 211.5 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0793 Tc 0.4543 Tw (with it foulness, whither in verity they bear thee, and where thy ) Tj -216 -13.5 TD -0.0599 Tc 0.2474 Tw (praise in truth is sung, the drink of Marijuana,) Tj 219.75 0 TD -0.1305 Tc 0.8805 Tw ( famed, health) Tj 68.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0597 Tc 0.3931 Tw (bringing \(as thou art\). [\(Pazand\) to his village and ) Tj -292.5 -13.5 TD -0.0633 Tc 0.2508 Tw (abode they bear him.] ) Tj 107.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -107.25 -27.75 TD -0.0545 Tc 0.3309 Tw (8. All other toxicants go hand in hand with Rapine of the bloody spear, but Marijuana's stirring power goes ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0655 Tc 0.3988 Tw (hand in hand with friendship. [Light is the drunkenness o) Tj 274.5 0 TD -0.048 Tc 0.423 Tw (f Marijuana \(Pazand\).]) Tj 108.75 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -383.25 -13.5 TD -0.064 Tc 0.314 Tw (Who as a tender son caresses Marijuana, forth to the bodies of such persons Marijuana comes to heal. ) Tj 489.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -489.75 -27.75 TD -0.0742 Tc 0.4117 Tw (9. Of all the healing virtues, Marijuana, whereby thou art a healer, grant me some. Of all the victorious powers, ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1294 Tc 0.6294 Tw (whereby thou art ) Tj 84 0 TD -0.0884 Tc 0.5226 Tw (a victor, grant me some. A faithful praiser will I be to thee, O Marijuana, and a faithful praiser ) Tj -84 -13.5 TD -0.0582 Tc 0.3082 Tw (\(is\) a better \(thing\) than Righteousness the Best; so hath the Lord, declaring \(it\), decreed. ) Tj 429.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -429.75 -27.75 TD -0.1085 Tc 0.3585 Tw (10. Swift and wise hath the well) Tj 153 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0.0077 Tc 0.1798 Tw (skilled Deity created thee; s) Tj 134.25 0 TD -0.0465 Tc 0.2132 Tw (wift and wise on high Haraiti did He, the well) Tj 219.75 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj ET endstream endobj 22 0 obj 6987 endobj 20 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 7 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 21 0 R >> endobj 24 0 obj << /Length 25 0 R >> stream BT 36 743.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0553 Tc 0.0553 Tw (skilled, plant thee. ) Tj 90 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -90 -27.75 TD -0.0481 Tc 0.2687 Tw (11. And taught \(by implanted instinct\) on every side, the bounteous birds have carried thee to the Peaks) Tj 496.5 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1812 Tc (above) Tj 27.75 0 TD 0.504 Tc (-) Tj -528.75 -13.5 TD -0.138 Tc (the) Tj 14.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0593 Tc 0.3718 Tw (eagles, to the mount's extremest summit, to the gorges and abysses, to t) Tj 342 0 TD -0.0683 Tc 0.3897 Tw (he heights of many pathways, to the ) Tj -360.75 -14.25 TD -0.1455 Tc 0 Tw (snow) Tj 24.75 0 TD 0.504 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0677 Tc 0.3177 Tw (peaks ever whitened. ) Tj 103.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -132.75 -27.75 TD -0.0854 Tc 0.4802 Tw (12. There, Marijuana, on the ranges dost thou grow of many kinds. Now thou growest of milky whiteness, and ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1013 Tc 0.5835 Tw (now thou growest golden; and forth thine healing liquors flow for the inspiring of the) Tj 408.75 0 TD -0.0123 Tc 0.1623 Tw ( pious. So terrify away ) Tj -408.75 -14.25 TD -0.0732 Tc 0.3496 Tw (from me the \(death's\) aim of the curser. So terrify and crush his thought who stands as my maligner. ) Tj 483 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -483 -27.75 TD -0.0672 Tc 0.3529 Tw (13. Praise be to thee, O Marijuana, \(for he makes the poor man's thoughts as great as any of the richest ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0595 Tc 0.3095 Tw (whomsoever.\) Praise be to) Tj 126.75 0 TD -0.0769 Tc 0.4769 Tw ( Marijuana, \(for he makes the poor man's thoughts as great as when mind reacheth ) Tj -126.75 -14.25 TD -0.0559 Tc 0.3841 Tw (culmination.\) With manifold retainers dost thou, O Marijuana, endow the man who drinks thee mixed with ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0981 Tc 0.5356 Tw (milk; yea, more prosperous thou makest him, and more endowed with mind. ) Tj 369 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -369 -27.75 TD -0.1365 Tc 0.699 Tw (14. Do not vanish from me suddenly like milk) Tj 221.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0842 Tc 0.4933 Tw (drops in the rain; let thine exhilarations go forth ever vigorous ) Tj -225.75 -13.5 TD -0.0636 Tc 0.3636 Tw (and fresh; and let them come to me with strong effect. Before thee, holy Marijuana, thou bearer of the ritual ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0583 Tc 0.3083 Tw (truth, and around thee would I cas) Tj 163.5 0 TD -0.0825 Tc 0.3638 Tw (t this body, a body which \(as all\) may see \(is fit for gift and\) grown. ) Tj 328.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -492 -27.75 TD -0.0734 Tc 0.5234 Tw (15. I renounce with vehemence the murderous woman's emptiness, the Jaini's, hers, with intellect dethroned. ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0869 Tc 0.4619 Tw (She vainly thinks to foil us, and would beguile both Fire) Tj 270 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1104 Tc 0.4854 Tw (priest and Mariju) Tj 81.75 0 TD -0.0499 Tc 0.5499 Tw (ana; but she herself, deceived therein, ) Tj -356.25 -14.25 TD -0.0266 Tc 0.1933 Tw (shall perish. And when she sits at home, and wrongly eats of Marijuana's offering, priest's mother will that ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1913 Tc 0.8475 Tw (never make her, nor give her holy sons! ) Tj 192.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 171 413.25 270 1.5 re f 171 414 0.75 0.75 re f 171 414 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 414 268.5 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 440.25 414 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 440.25 414 0.75 0.75 re f 171 413.25 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 171 413.25 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 413.25 268.5 0.75 re f 440.25 413.25 0.75 0.75 re f 440.25 413.25 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 546 792 re W n BT 576 408.75 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 382.5 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.0845 Tc 0.3345 Tw (16. To five do I belong, to five others do I not; of the good th) Tj 293.25 0 TD -0.1134 Tc 0.5172 Tw (ought am I, of the evil am I not; of the good word ) Tj -293.25 -13.5 TD -0.1102 Tc 0.3865 Tw (am I, of the evil am I not; of the good deed am I, and of the evil, not. ) Tj 332.25 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -332.25 -13.5 TD -0.0565 Tc 0.2848 Tw (To Obedience am I given, and to deaf disobedience, not; to the saint do I belong, and to the wicked, not; and so ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1616 Tc 0.5366 Tw (from this on till ) Tj 77.25 0 TD -0.0204 Tc 0.1454 Tw (the ending shall be the spirits' parting. \(The two shall here divide.\) ) Tj 321.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 171 316.5 270 1.5 re f 171 317.25 0.75 0.75 re f 171 317.25 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 317.25 268.5 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 440.25 317.25 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 440.25 317.25 0.75 0.75 re f 171 316.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 171 316.5 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 316.5 268.5 0.75 re f 440.25 316.5 0.75 0.75 re f 440.25 316.5 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 546 792 re W n BT 576 312 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 285.75 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.0552 Tc 0.3767 Tw (17. Thereupon spake Zarathushtra: Praise to Marijuana, Mazda) Tj 302.25 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1205 Tc 0.683 Tw (made. Good is Marijuana, Mazda) Tj 159.75 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1811 Tc 0.9311 Tw (made. All the ) Tj -471.75 -13.5 TD -0.0854 Tc 0.4316 Tw (plants of Marijuana praise I, on the heights of lofty mountains, in the gorg) Tj 354.75 0 TD -0.0737 Tc 0.4487 Tw (es of the valleys, in the clefts \(of ) Tj -354.75 -13.5 TD -0.194 Tc 0.944 Tw (sundered hill) Tj 60.75 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.0707 Tc 0.3865 Tw (sides\) cut for the bundles bound by women. From the silver cup I pour Thee to the golden chalice ) Tj -66 -14.25 TD -0.081 Tc 0.3695 Tw (over. Let me not thy \(sacred\) liquor spill to earth, of precious cost. ) Tj 321 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -321 -29.25 TD /F0 14.25 Tf -0.1289 Tc 0.1914 Tw (18. These are thy Gathas, holy Marij) Tj 219.75 0 TD -0.1408 Tc 0.1616 Tw (uana, these thy songs, and these thy teachings, and ) Tj -219.75 -15.75 TD -0.1403 Tc 0.3278 Tw (these thy truthful ritual words, health) Tj 225.75 0 TD -0.2453 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0888 Tc 0.2763 Tw (imparting, victory) Tj 109.5 0 TD -0.2453 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1811 Tc 0.3686 Tw (giving, from harmful hatred ) Tj -344.25 -16.5 TD -0.0271 Tc -0.1604 Tw (healing giving. ) Tj 91.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3.1875 Tw ( ) Tj -91.5 -28.5 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.0828 Tc 0.4357 Tw (19. These and thou art mine, and forth let thine exhilarations flow; bright and sparkling let them h) Tj 468.75 0 TD 0.0168 Tc 0.2332 Tw (old on their ) Tj -468.75 -13.5 TD -0.0573 Tc 0.4034 Tw (\(steadfast\) way; for light are thine exhilaration\(s\), and flying lightly come they here. Victory) Tj 444 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0586 Tc 0.4336 Tw (giving smiteth ) Tj -448.5 -14.25 TD -0.0921 Tc 0.8421 Tw (Marijuana, victory) Tj 88.5 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1115 Tc 0.5888 Tw (giving is it worshipped; with this Gathic word we praise it. ) Tj 285 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 171 101.25 270 1.5 re f 171 102 0.75 0.75 re f 171 102 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 102 268.5 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 440.25 102 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 440.25 102 0.75 0.75 re f 171 101.25 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 171 101.25 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 101.25 268.5 0.75 re f 440.25 101.25 0.75 0.75 re f 440.25 101.25 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 546 792 re W n BT 576 96.75 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 71.25 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.078 Tc 0.328 Tw (20. Praise to the Kine; praise and victory \(be\) ) Tj 220.5 0 TD -0.0453 Tc 0.2761 Tw (spoken to her! Food for the Kine, and pasture! 'For the Kine let ) Tj -220.5 -13.5 TD -0.1694 Tc 0.8122 Tw (thrift use toil; yield thou us food.' ) Tj 162.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream endobj 25 0 obj 7837 endobj 23 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 7 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 24 0 R >> endobj 28 0 obj << /Length 29 0 R >> stream BT 36 743.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf -0.0521 Tc 0.3609 Tw (21. We worship the yellow lofty one; we worship Marijuana who causes progress, who makes the settlements ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0215 Tc 0.0215 Tw (advance; we worship Marijuana who drives death ) Tj 240.75 0 TD -0.0579 Tc 0.4329 Tw (afar; yea, we worship all the Marijuana plants. And we ) Tj -240.75 -14.25 TD -0.0356 Tc 0.2401 Tw (worship \(their\) blessedness, and the Fravashi of Zarathushtra Spitama, the saint. ) Tj 387 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj -387 -16.5 TD 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -30.75 TD /F0 13.5 Tf -0.0461 Tc 0.4211 Tw (YASNA 11.) Tj 66.75 0 TD 0 Tc 4.125 Tw ( ) Tj -66.75 -27.75 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0714 Tc 0.3214 Tw (PRELUDE TO THE MARIJUANA) Tj 182.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0373 Tc (OFFERING.) Tj 66 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj -252.75 -18 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.0481 Tc 0.2526 Tw (1. Three clean creatures \(full of blessings\) curse betimes while yet i) Tj 324 0 TD -0.0368 Tc 0.3582 Tw (nvoking, the cow, the horse, and then ) Tj -324 -14.25 TD -0.0346 Tc 0.1417 Tw (Marijuana. The cow cries to her driver thus: Childless be thou, shorn of offspring evil) Tj 410.25 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.0608 Tc 0.0608 Tw (famed, and slander) Tj 90 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -505.5 -13.5 TD -0.095 Tc 0.5686 Tw (followed, who foddered fairly dost not use me, but fattenest me for wife or children, and for thy niggard selfi) Tj 523.5 0 TD -0.084 Tc 0.834 Tw (sh ) Tj -523.5 -14.25 TD -0.1656 Tc 0.1656 Tw (meal. ) Tj 28.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -28.5 -27.75 TD -0.0909 Tc 0.4243 Tw (2. The horse cries to his rider thus: Be not spanner of the racers; stretch no coursers to full) Tj 431.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0388 Tc 0.4138 Tw (speed; do not stride ) Tj -435.75 -13.5 TD -0.0959 Tc 0.5696 Tw (across the fleetest, thou, who dost not pray me swiftness in the meeting thick with numbers, in the circuit ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0881 Tc 0.3381 Tw (thronged with men. ) Tj 96 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -96 -27.75 TD 0 Tw (3) Tj 6 0 TD -0.0449 Tc 0.2324 Tw (. Marijuana speaks his drinker thus: Childless be thou, shorn of offspring, evil) Tj 373.5 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.0608 Tc 0.0608 Tw (famed, and slander) Tj 90 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.0733 Tc 0.0733 Tw (followed, ) Tj -480 -14.25 TD -0.1051 Tc 0.5551 Tw (who holdest me from full outpouring, as a robber, skulls in) Tj 282 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0932 Tc 0.4682 Tw (crushing. No head) Tj 87 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj ET q 32.25 0 546 792 re W n BT 414 483.75 TD -0.0435 Tc 0.4185 Tw (smiter am I ever, holy Marijuana, ) Tj ET Q BT 36 470.25 TD -0.0877 Tc 0.3377 Tw (far from death. ) Tj 74.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -74.25 -27.75 TD -0.1663 Tc 0.6663 Tw (4. Forth my fathe) Tj 82.5 0 TD -0.0554 Tc 0.3554 Tw (r gave an offering, tongue and left eye chose Ahura, set apart for Marijuana's meal. ) Tj 402 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -484.5 -27.75 TD -0.0776 Tc 0.3991 Tw (5. Who this offering would deny me, eats himself, or prays it from me, this which Mazda gave to bless me, ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0772 Tc 0.2915 Tw (tongue with left eye \(as my portion\). ) Tj 177.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -177.75 -27.75 TD -0.2103 Tc 0.7103 Tw (6. In his house is born n) Tj 114 0 TD -0.0312 Tc 0.7812 Tw (o fire) Tj 26.25 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1032 Tc 0.6389 Tw (priest, warrior ne'er in chariot standing, never more the thrifty tiller. In his home ) Tj -144.75 -13.5 TD -0.0518 Tc 0.2393 Tw (be born Dahakas, Murakas of evil practice, doing deeds of double nature. ) Tj 354 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -354 -27.75 TD -0.0634 Tc 0.3848 Tw (7. Quick, cut off then Marijuana's portion, gift of flesh for doughty Marijuana! Heed les) Tj 421.5 0 TD -0.0547 Tc 0.4297 Tw (t Marijuana bind thee ) Tj -421.5 -14.25 TD -0.0819 Tc 0.5105 Tw (fettered, as he bound the fell Turanian Frangrasyan \(the murderous robber\) fast in iron close) Tj 441.75 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0492 Tc 0.5492 Tw (surrounded in the ) Tj -446.25 -13.5 TD -0.224 Tc 0 Tw (mid) Tj 18 0 TD 0.504 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0434 Tc 0.0434 Tw (third of this earth! ) Tj 89.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -111.75 -27.75 TD -0.0724 Tc 0.4762 Tw (8. Thereupon spake Zarathushtra: Praise to Marijuana made by Mazda, good is Marijuana Mazda) Tj 466.5 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.3105 Tc (made) Tj 24.75 0 TD 0 Tc (. ) Tj 6 0 TD 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 171 250.5 270 1.5 re f 171 251.25 0.75 0.75 re f 171 251.25 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 251.25 268.5 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 440.25 251.25 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 440.25 251.25 0.75 0.75 re f 171 250.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 171 250.5 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 250.5 268.5 0.75 re f 440.25 250.5 0.75 0.75 re f 440.25 250.5 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 546 792 re W n BT 576 246 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 219.75 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.1294 Tc 0.5877 Tw (9. Who to us is one hereupon to thee \(becomes\) two, to be made to three, for the five) Tj 406.5 0 TD 1.254 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1617 Tc 0.6617 Tw (making of the four, for the ) Tj -411.75 -13.5 TD -0.2148 Tc 0 Tw (seven) Tj 26.25 0 TD 1.254 Tc (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1279 Tc 0.5862 Tw (making of the sixth, who are your nine in the decade \(?\), who serve you and with zeal. ) Tj 417 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 171 180.75 270 1.5 re f 171 181.5 0.75 0.75 re f 171 181.5 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 181.5 268.5 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 440.25 181.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 440.25 181.5 0.75 0.75 re f 171 180.75 0.75 0.75 re f 0.8784 0.8784 0.8784 rg 171 180.75 0.75 0.75 re f 171.75 180.75 268.5 0.75 re f 440.25 180.75 0.75 0.75 re f 440.25 180.75 0.75 0.75 re f q 32.25 0 546 792 re W n BT 576 176.25 TD 0 0 0 rg 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q BT 36 150.75 TD 0 0 0 rg -0.064 Tc 0.2515 Tw (10. To thee, O holy Marijuana! bearer of ) Tj 198 0 TD -0.0667 Tc 0.3667 Tw (the ritual sanctity, I offer this my person which is seen \(by all to be\) ) Tj -198 -13.5 TD -0.0699 Tc 0.4074 Tw (mature, \(and fit for gift\); to Marijuana the effective do I offer it, and to the sacred exhilaration which he ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0686 Tc 0.3365 Tw (bestows; and do thou grant to me \(for this\), O holy Marijuana! thou that ) Tj 348 0 TD -0.0216 Tc 0.2716 Tw (drivest death afar, \(Heaven\) the best ) Tj -348 -13.5 TD -0.0088 Tc 0.0088 Tw (world of the saints, shining, all brilliant. ) Tj 195 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -195 -27.75 TD -0.106 Tc 0.406 Tw (11. \(The Ashem Vohu, &c.\) ) Tj 137.25 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream endobj 29 0 obj 6783 endobj 26 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 27 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 7 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 28 0 R >> endobj 31 0 obj << /Length 32 0 R >> stream BT 36 743.25 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (12) Tj 12 0 TD 0.504 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0914 Tc 0.4247 Tw (15. May'st Thou rule at Thy will, O Lord....\(Repeat Y8.5) Tj 271.5 0 TD 0.504 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.164 Tc 0.164 Tw (7\)! ) Tj 16.5 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -309 -27.75 TD -0.0352 Tc 0.2019 Tw (16. I confess myself a Mazdayasnian of Zarathushtra's order. ) Tj 294.75 0 TD 0 Tc 3 Tw ( ) Tj -294.75 -27.75 TD -0.076 Tc 0.326 Tw (17. I celebrate my) Tj 86.25 0 TD -0.0975 Tc 0.5662 Tw ( praises for good thoughts, good words, and good deeds for my thoughts, my speeches, and ) Tj -86.25 -14.25 TD -0.0463 Tc 0.2963 Tw (\(my\) actions. With chanting praises I present all good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, and with rejection ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0282 Tc 0.1115 Tw (I repudiate all evil thoughts, and words, and deeds. 18) Tj 258.75 0 TD -0.0911 Tc 0.5002 Tw (. Here I give to you, O ye Bountiful Immortals! sacrifice ) Tj -258.75 -13.5 TD -0.105 Tc 0.5141 Tw (and homage with the mind, with words, deeds, and my entire person; yea, \(I offer\) to you the flesh of my very ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0494 Tc 0.2801 Tw (body \(as your own\). And I praise Righteousness. A blessing is Righteousness \(called\) the) Tj 428.25 0 TD -0.0938 Tc 0.3438 Tw ( Best, &c. ) Tj 51 0 TD 0 Tc 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj -479.25 -16.5 TD 6 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0273 Tc 0.1427 Tw (FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE AVESTA AND THE ZORASTERIANS VISIT THE LINKS BELOW ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0639 Tc 0.3524 Tw (THIS IS THE LOCATION OF THE ORIGINAL PAGES CONTENTS BEFORE BEING MODIFIED BY ME!) Tj 537.75 0 TD 0 Tc 6.75 Tw ( ) Tj -537.75 -13.5 TD 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 36 557.25 124.5 11.25 re f BT 36 559.5 TD 1 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.2374 Tc -0.4249 Tw (Avesta ) Tj 30.75 0 TD -0.2467 Tc 0 Tw (--) Tj 6 0 TD 0.1634 Tc -0.3509 Tw ( Zoroastrian Archives) Tj ET 36 558 124.5 0.75 re f q 34.5 0 126.75 792 re W n BT 160.5 559.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 162 557.25 43.5 11.25 re f BT 165.75 559.5 TD 1 0 0 rg 0.1661 Tc 0 Tw (Contents) Tj ET 165.75 558 36 0.75 re f BT 201.75 559.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj ET q 161.25 0 45.75 792 re W n BT 204.75 559.5 TD 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 207.75 557.25 28.5 11.25 re f BT 213 559.5 TD 1 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.0321 Tc (Prev) Tj ET 213 558 18 0.75 re f BT 231 559.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj ET q 207 0 30.75 792 re W n BT 234 559.5 TD 3 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 238.5 557.25 111 11.25 re f BT 259.5 559.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 9.75 Tf 0.1261 Tc -0.3136 Tw (Part 2 \(Ha 9) Tj 51.75 0 TD -0.2467 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3 0 TD 0.1678 Tc (11\)) Tj 13.5 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3 0 TD 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 351.75 557.25 28.5 11.25 re f BT 356.25 559.5 TD 1 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf -0.051 Tc 0 Tw (Next) Tj ET 356.25 558 18.75 0.75 re f BT 375 559.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj ET q 351 0 30.75 792 re W n BT 378 559.5 TD 3.75 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 382.5 557.25 43.5 11.25 re f BT 387 559.5 TD 1 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.257 Tc (Avestan) Tj ET 387 558 33.75 0.75 re f BT 420.75 559.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj ET q 381.75 0 45.75 792 re W n BT 423.75 559.5 TD 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 428.25 557.25 43.5 11.25 re f BT 432 559.5 TD 1 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 0.1673 Tc (Glossary) Tj ET 432 558 36 0.75 re f BT 468 559.5 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj ET q 427.5 0 45 792 re W n BT 471 559.5 TD 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET Q 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 33.75 568.5 0.75 2.25 re f 33.75 570 0.75 0.75 re f 34.5 570 126.75 0.75 re f 161.25 570 0.75 0.75 re f 162 570 45 0.75 re f 207 570 0.75 0.75 re f 207.75 570 30 0.75 re f 237.75 570 0.75 0.75 re f 238.5 570 112.5 0.75 re f 351 570 0.75 0.75 re f 351.75 570 30 0.75 re f 381.75 570 0.75 0.75 re f 382.5 570 45 0.75 re f 427.5 570 0.75 0.75 re f 428.25 570 44.25 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 472.5 568.5 0.75 2.25 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 472.5 570 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 35.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 35.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 36 568.5 124.5 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 160.5 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 160.5 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 34.5 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 34.5 569.25 126.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 35.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 35.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 36 556.5 124.5 0.75 re f 160.5 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 160.5 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 34.5 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 34.5 555.75 126.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 35.25 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 34.5 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 160.5 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 33.75 555.75 0.75 12.75 re f 33.75 555 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 33.75 555 0.75 0.75 re f 34.5 555 126.75 0.75 re f 161.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 161.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 162 568.5 43.5 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 205.5 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 205.5 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 206.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 161.25 569.25 45.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 161.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 161.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 162 556.5 43.5 0.75 re f 205.5 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 205.5 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 206.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 161.25 555.75 45.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 161.25 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 205.5 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 206.25 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 161.25 555 0.75 0.75 re f 162 555 45 0.75 re f 207 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 207 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 207.75 568.5 28.5 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 236.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 236.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 237 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 207 569.25 30.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 207 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 207 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 207.75 556.5 28.5 0.75 re f 236.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 236.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 237 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 207 555.75 30.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 207 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 236.25 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 237 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 207 555 0.75 0.75 re f 207.75 555 30 0.75 re f 237.75 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 237.75 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 238.5 568.5 111 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 349.5 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 349.5 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 350.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 237.75 569.25 113.25 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 237.75 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 237.75 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 238.5 556.5 111 0.75 re f 349.5 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 349.5 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 350.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 237.75 555.75 113.25 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 237.75 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 349.5 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 350.25 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 237.75 555 0.75 0.75 re f 238.5 555 112.5 0.75 re f 351 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 351 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 351.75 568.5 28.5 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 380.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 380.25 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 381 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 351 569.25 30.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 351 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 351 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 351.75 556.5 28.5 0.75 re f 380.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 380.25 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 381 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 351 555.75 30.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 351 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 380.25 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 381 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 351 555 0.75 0.75 re f 351.75 555 30 0.75 re f 381.75 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 381.75 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 382.5 568.5 43.5 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 426 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 426 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 426.75 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 381.75 569.25 45.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 381.75 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 381.75 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 382.5 556.5 43.5 0.75 re f 426 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 426 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 426.75 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 381.75 555.75 45.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 381.75 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 426 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 426.75 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 381.75 555 0.75 0.75 re f 382.5 555 45 0.75 re f 427.5 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 427.5 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 428.25 568.5 43.5 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 471.75 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 471.75 568.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 427.5 569.25 45 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 427.5 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 427.5 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 428.25 556.5 43.5 0.75 re f 471.75 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 471.75 556.5 0.75 0.75 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 427.5 555.75 45 0.75 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 427.5 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 471.75 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 rg 472.5 557.25 0.75 11.25 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 427.5 555 0.75 0.75 re f 428.25 555 44.25 0.75 re f 472.5 555.75 0.75 12.75 re f 472.5 555 0.75 0.75 re f 472.5 555 0.75 0.75 re f BT 36 546 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 9.75 Tf 2.0625 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -23.25 TD 0.1512 Tc -0.3387 Tw (Avesta Zoroastrian Archives ) Tj 120 0 TD 1 0 0 rg 0.0742 Tc 0 Tw (http://www.avesta.org/avesta.html) Tj ET 156 521.25 136.5 0.75 re f BT 292.5 522.75 TD 0 0 0 rg 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj -256.5 -24 TD 0.1661 Tc -0.1307 Tw (Contents ) Tj 127.5 0 TD 1 0 0 rg 0.1125 Tc 0 Tw (http://www.avesta.org/yasna/yasna.htm) Tj ET 163.5 497.25 158.25 0.75 re f BT 321.75 498.75 TD 0 0 0 rg 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj -285.75 -23.25 TD 0.257 Tc -0.2472 Tw (Avestan ) Tj 126.75 0 TD 1 0 0 rg 0.1191 Tc 0 Tw (http://www.avesta.org/yasna/y9to11.htm) Tj ET 162.75 474 163.5 0.75 re f BT 326.25 475.5 TD 0 0 0 rg 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj -290.25 -23.25 TD 0.1673 Tc -0.1406 Tw (Glossary ) Tj 122.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0625 Tw ( ) Tj 7.5 0 TD 1 0 0 rg 0.1009 Tc 0 Tw (http://www.avesta.org/zglos.html) Tj ET 165.75 450.75 133.5 0.75 re f BT 299.25 452.25 TD 0 0 0 rg 0 Tc 2.8125 Tw ( ) Tj -263.25 -25.5 TD /F1 12 Tf 2.25 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream endobj 32 0 obj 10662 endobj 30 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 27 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 7 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 31 0 R >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /Name /F0 /BaseFont /TimesNewRoman,Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 7 0 obj 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